Iconic Open University

Directorate of Examination & Records

The Directorate of Examination & Records (DER) of Iconic University is responsible for managing all the academic records and conducting fair and efficient examinations for the students. It is an integral part of the university’s administrative structure and serves as the central hub for all matters related to examinations and records.

The directorate is divided into two units, namely the Examination Unit and the Records Unit. Each unit is led by a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing quality services to the students and faculty of the university.

1. Examination Unit:
The Examination Unit is responsible for conducting all types of examinations, including final, and resit exams. The unit is also responsible for setting up exam schedules, coordinating with faculties and departments to create question, and securing exam materials both softcopies and hardcopies.

The unit works closely with the faculty and the students to ensure that the examination process is fair, transparent and free from any malpractices. The unit also coordinates with the ICT department to facilitate online/CBT exams and provide technical support to students if needed.

2. Records Unit:

The Records Unit is responsible for managing all the academic records of the students, including transcripts, grade reports, and certificates. The unit maintains a comprehensive database of all the students’ academic progress throughout their time at the university.

The Records Unit is also responsible for organizing and distributing official transcripts to students and employers upon request. The unit also assists students in the process of applying for scholarships, internships, and other academic programmes that require official academic records.

Leadership Roles:
The Directorate of Examination & Records is led by a Director who oversees the overall functioning of the directorate. The director is supported by a team of dedicated professionals who ensure that the day-to-day operations of the directorate run smoothly.

1. Director:
The Director of the Directorate of Examination & Records is responsible for the overall management and supervision of the directorate. They oversee the activities of both the Examination and Records Units and ensure that all processes and procedures are carried out efficiently and effectively.

2. Deputy Director:
The Deputy Director assists the Director in the day-to-day operations of the directorate. They are responsible for coordinating with the units, supervising staff, and addressing any issues that may arise.

3. Examination Officer:
The Examination Officer oversees the exam process and ensures that all exams are conducted fairly and in accordance with university policies. He also work closely with the Examination Unit to create exam schedules and coordinate with faculties.

4. Assistant Registrar:
The Assistant Registrar is responsible for maintaining all academic records of the students. He oversee the Records Unit and ensure the accuracy and confidentiality of all academic records.

The Directorate of Examination & Records plays a crucial role in maintaining the academic integrity and credibility of Iconic University. With a dedicated team of professionals and efficient systems in place, the directorate ensures that the examinations and records management processes run smoothly, providing quality services to the students and faculty of the university.

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