Iconic Open University

Examination & Grade System

Exam System

The examination system at Iconic Open University’s learning centers is designed to provide students with a traditional pen-on-paper examination experience. These examinations take place at the end of every semester and are conducted under proper supervision to ensure academic integrity.


One of the key features of this system is the flexibility provided to students in terms of choosing their examination time. The university understands that students have different scheduling needs and commitments, so they are given the freedom to select a time that works best for them within an established examination period.


To ensure the integrity of the examination process, all examinations are conducted under proper supervision. Trained invigilators are present during the examination to monitor students and prevent any form of cheating or academic misconduct. This helps maintain the credibility of the examination results and ensures fairness among all students.


Additionally, the examinations are conducted using physical pen and paper. This allows students to write their answers in the traditional way, providing them with a familiar experience. This system also eliminates any technological issues or limitations that may arise with online examinations.

Exam Schedule

The examination schedule system at Iconic Open University is designed to provide students with the flexibility to choose their preferred examination time within a scheduled period of three weeks at the end of every semester. This system aims to accommodate students’ individual needs and preferences, ensuring that they have ample time to prepare and can perform at their best during the exams.

Here is how the examination schedule system works:

  1. Schedule Period: The examination schedule is set for a three-week period. This period is determined in advance and communicated to all students. It typically includes weekdays and weekends to accommodate different schedules.
  2. Exam Slots: Within the three-week scheduled period, multiple exam slots are available for each course. These slots are spaced out throughout the day to cater to students from different programs and with different commitments.
  3. Choosing an Exam Time: Students are given the flexibility to choose their preferred exam time from the available slots. This can be done through an online portal or by contacting the university’s examination department. It is important to choose an exam time that suits the student’s schedule and allows for sufficient preparation.
  4. Deadline for Choosing an Exam Time: Students are provided with a deadline for selecting their preferred exam time. This deadline ensures that the examination department can create a final schedule based on the students’ choices and allocate invigilators accordingly.
  5. Clash Resolution: In case multiple students choose the same exam slot and it exceeds the capacity, the examination department will work to resolve any clashes. They may offer alternative slots or coordinate with students to find a suitable solution.
  6. Communication of Final Schedule: Once all students have chosen their preferred exam times and any clashes have been resolved, the examination department will finalize and communicate the exam schedule to all students. This will include the date, time, and location (if applicable) of each exam.
  7. Exam Format: The examination format can vary depending on the course and subject. It may include written exams, practical exams, or a combination of these. The format and any specific instructions will be communicated to students prior to the exam date.

Overall, the examination schedule system at Iconic Open University aims to provide students with the flexibility and convenience to choose their preferred exam time within a scheduled period of three weeks. This allows students to manage their study and personal commitments while ensuring a fair and organized examination process.

Exam Rules & Regulations

Examination Rules and Regulations at Iconic Open University

  1. Introduction

At Iconic Open University, we strive to provide our students with flexible and convenient examination options. This allows students to write their answers in the traditional way of using pen-on-paper, providing them with a familiar experience. This system also eliminates any technological issues or limitations that may arise with online examinations. To accommodate these students, we have designed a system where students can write their exams at the nearest learning center of the university. This document outlines the rules and regulations for pen-on-paper examinations.

  1. Eligibility

2.1. Students must be enrolled in a program or course that offers pen-on-paper examinations as an option.

2.2. Students must present proper means of identification, such as a valid ID card issued by the university, at the learning center.

  1. Scheduling

3.1. Students can choose to write their exams within a scheduled period of 3 weeks.

3.2. Students must select a date and time within the scheduled period that is convenient for them.

3.3. Students must register their choice on students’ portal for their chosen date and time at least 2 weeks in advance.

  1. Examination Process

4.1. Students will be provided with the necessary examination materials, including question papers and answer booklets, at the learning center.

4.2. Students are required to bring their own pens and other writing materials for the examination.

4.3. Students are not allowed to bring any electronic devices, textbooks, or other study materials into the examination room.

4.4. Students are required to follow the instructions of the invigilator present at the learning center.

4.5. Students must complete their examination within the allocated time, and no extra time will be given.

  1. Examination Rules

5.1. Students must maintain academic integrity throughout the examination.

5.2. Students are not allowed to communicate with others during the examination.

5.3. Students are not allowed to leave the examination room until they have completed their examination.

5.4. Students are not allowed to bring any food or drinks into the examination room, unless specified otherwise by the learning center.

5.5. Students must return all examination materials, including question papers and answer booklets, to the invigilator at the end of the examination.

  1. Violations and Penalties

6.1. Any violation of the examination rules and regulations may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to warnings, suspension, or expulsion from the university.

6.2. The university reserves the right to take legal action if it deems necessary.

  1. Conclusion

Iconic Open University understands the importance of providing students with flexible examination options. By allowing pen-on-paper examinations at the nearest learning center, we aim to accommodate the preferences of our students while maintaining academic integrity. The rules stated here are not exhaustive to the general examination rules and regulations, students are advised to carefully read and adhere to the examination rules and regulations outlined in this document and others in their student’s handbook to ensure a fair and successful examination experience.

Grade System

In terms of the examination grading system at Iconic Open University, the university follows a standard grading scale similar to many other educational institutions. The specific grades and their corresponding numerical values may vary slightly depending on the university policies, but generally, the grading scale is a 5.0 scale as follows:

A+: Exceptional – Represents extraordinary exceptional performance, typically equivalent to a numerical grade of 75-100% with 5.0 points.

A: Excellent – Represents exceptional performance, typically equivalent to a numerical grade of 70-74% with 4.7 points.

B+: Superior – Represents good performance, typically equivalent to a numerical grade of 65-69% with 4.3 points.

B: Very Good – Represents above-average performance, typically equivalent to a numerical grade of 60-64% with 4.0 points.

C+: Good – Represents satisfactory-average performance, typically equivalent to a numerical grade of 55-59% with 3.5 points.

C: Average – Represents average performance, typically equivalent to a numerical grade of 50-54% with 3.0 points.

D: Pass – Represents a minimally acceptable performance, typically equivalent to a numerical grade of 45-49% with 2.0 points.

F: Fail – Represents performance that is not sufficient to pass the examination or course, typically equivalent to a numerical grade below 45% with 0.0 point.

In addition to numerical grades, Iconic Open University may also use qualitative descriptors such as “distinction” or “merit” to further differentiate student performance within each grade category.

It is important for students to be aware of the grading criteria and expectations set by Iconic Open University for each examination or course, as this will guide their preparation and allow them to gauge their performance accurately.

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